WIC is a nutrition program that provides nutrition and health education, breastfeeding support, healthy food, and referrals to other services free of charge to Indiana families who qualify. WIC stands for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children.
You may automatically be income eligible if you or certain family members participate in Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or SNAP.
A WIC staff member will let you know if you can complete your next WIC appointment online. There are two options for online nutrition education: complete a lesson on the INWIC App or wichealth.org!
Size: 4 oz. jar, 4 oz. tub - 2 pack or 2 oz. tub - 2 pack
Size: 2.5 oz. container
OUNCES | 4 oz. Jar or 2 oz. two-pack | 4 oz. two-pack |
128 | 32 | 16 |
96 | 24 | 12 |
64 | 16 | 8 |
32 | 8 | 4 |
Size: 8 oz. or 16 oz. container
Least expensive brand. Product type and size listed on benefits balance.
As listed on benefits balance.
Size: 12 oz.
Size: Quart, ½ gallon, or ¾ gallon
Size: All Sizes
Ultra-High Temperature (UHT)
Size: ½ gallon containers
Size: 1 Quart (32 oz.) tub
Multipacks = 2, 4 oz. 4 pack cups = 32 oz.; 1, 4 oz. 8 pack cups = 32 oz.;
2, 2 oz. 8 pack tubes = 32 oz.; 1, 2 oz. 16 pack tubes = 32 oz.
Size: 8 oz. or 16 oz.
Generic PLU 4469. Dollar amount specified on shopping list.
Fruit and Vegetable Cash Value Benefits are redeemable up to the amount stated on the benefits balance.
Size is specified on benefits balance.
For women only.
Shelf Stable
46 - 48 oz. only. Any container.
Frozen or Shelf Stable Concentrate
11.5 – 12 oz. juice concentrate must make 48 oz. or
more when mixed per manufacturer’s directions.
For children only.
Shelf Stable or Refrigerated
64 oz. only. Any container.
Size: Loaves 16 oz. only. Buns 12 to 16 oz. packages.