About Pesticide Registration

In evaluating a pesticide registration application, we assess a wide variety of potential human health and environmental effects associated with use of the product. The company that wants to produce the pesticide must provide data from studies that comply with our testing guidelines.

We develop risk assessments that evaluate the potential for

Potential human risks range from short-term toxicity to long-term effects such as cancer and reproductive system disorders.

We also evaluate and approve the language that appears on each pesticide label to ensure the directions for use and safety measures are appropriate to any potential risk. Following label directions is required by law and is necessary to ensure safe use.

Companies submit an application for a registration action, such as to register a new pesticide active ingredient, new product for an existing pesticide, or adding a new use to an existing product.

The company's application typically includes:

We publish a notice of receipt in the Federal Register for each application for registration of a new product that contains a new pesticide active ingredient or that proposes a new use for an existing pesticide.

Applications are assigned to the appropriate pesticide division, where it is processed and tracked. A project manager is then assigned to:

The Evaluation Process