15 Sample Letters of Intent to DSWD

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is a government agency in the Philippines that plays a crucial role in promoting social welfare and development, providing assistance to vulnerable and marginalized groups, and implementing programs aimed at alleviating poverty and empowering communities.

Whether you are an individual seeking support, an organization looking to partner with DSWD, or a community advocate proposing a new initiative, crafting a compelling letter of intent is essential to communicate your goals and secure the department’s support.

Sample Letters of Intent to DSWD

Sample Letters of Intent to DSWD

In this article, we will explore 15 sample letters of intent addressed to DSWD, each tailored to a specific purpose and demonstrating effective strategies for engaging with this vital government agency.

1. Subject: Letter of Intent to Apply for the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)

Dear DSWD Officer,

I am writing to express my intent to apply for the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), a conditional cash transfer program aimed at providing financial assistance to poor households and promoting investment in health, nutrition, and education.

As a single mother of three children living below the poverty line, I believe that the 4Ps program could provide much-needed support to my family. Despite my best efforts to provide for my children through irregular work as a laundrywoman, I often struggle to make ends meet and ensure that their basic needs are met.

If accepted into the program, I am committed to fulfilling the conditions set forth by 4Ps, including sending my children to school, attending regular health check-ups, and participating in family development sessions. I firmly believe that investing in my children’s education and well-being is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and securing a brighter future for our family.

I would be immensely grateful for the opportunity to benefit from the 4Ps program and work hand in hand with DSWD to improve the lives of my children and our community as a whole. Please let me know if there is any additional information or documentation I can provide to support my application.

Thank you for considering my request.

[Your Contact Information]

2. Subject: Letter of Intent to Volunteer for DSWD’s Community-Based Programs

Dear DSWD Volunteer Coordinator,

I am writing to express my strong interest in volunteering for DSWD’s community-based programs. As a passionate advocate for social welfare and development, I am eager to contribute my skills, time, and energy to support the department’s initiatives aimed at uplifting the lives of the most vulnerable members of our society.

With a background in social work and community development, I have extensive experience in designing and implementing grassroots programs that address issues such as poverty, malnutrition, and lack of access to education and healthcare. I am particularly drawn to DSWD’s efforts to promote community-driven development and empower individuals and families to become self-sufficient and resilient.

As a volunteer, I am prepared to take on a wide range of responsibilities, from conducting community needs assessments and facilitating training sessions to providing direct assistance to beneficiaries and monitoring program outcomes. I am committed to working collaboratively with DSWD staff, local partners, and community members to ensure the success and sustainability of these initiatives.

I am confident that my skills, experience, and passion for social welfare would make me a valuable asset to DSWD’s volunteer team. I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to the department’s mission and make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve.

Thank you for considering my application.

[Your Contact Information]

3. Subject: Letter of Intent to Partner with DSWD for a Community Feeding Program

Dear DSWD Partnership Officer,

I am writing on behalf of [Your Organization], a local non-profit committed to addressing malnutrition and food insecurity in our community. We are seeking to partner with DSWD to implement a community feeding program that will provide nutritious meals to children and families in need.

Our organization has a proven track record of successfully running community kitchens and food distribution initiatives, serving over [Number] individuals in the past year alone. We have witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of hunger and malnutrition on the health, education, and overall well-being of our community members, particularly children.

In partnership with DSWD, we propose to establish a community feeding program that will operate [Number] days a week, providing hot, nutritious meals to [Number] beneficiaries. Our team of experienced staff and volunteers will oversee the planning, preparation, and distribution of meals, ensuring that they meet the dietary requirements and cultural preferences of the target population.

To ensure the sustainability and long-term impact of the program, we also propose to integrate nutrition education and livelihood training components, empowering families with the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain healthy diets and generate income.

We believe that by combining our expertise and resources with DSWD’s extensive network and support, we can create a powerful partnership that will make a tangible difference in the lives of those most in need. We are committed to working closely with the department to align our efforts with national priorities and contribute to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

We would welcome the opportunity to further discuss this proposal and explore how we can work together to build a stronger, more resilient community.

Thank you for considering our partnership request.

[Your Contact Information]

4. Subject: Letter of Intent to Seek Assistance from DSWD for a Community-Based Rehabilitation Program

Dear DSWD Regional Director,

I am writing on behalf of the [Your Community] to seek assistance from DSWD in establishing a community-based rehabilitation program for persons with disabilities (PWDs). Our community is home to a significant number of individuals with physical, sensory, and intellectual disabilities who face numerous barriers to full participation and inclusion in society.

Despite the efforts of local government units and civil society organizations, many PWDs in our community continue to lack access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and livelihood opportunities. The absence of a comprehensive rehabilitation program has left them vulnerable to poverty, marginalization, and social exclusion.

We believe that a community-based rehabilitation program, implemented in partnership with DSWD, could significantly improve the lives of PWDs and their families in our community. By providing a range of services, including physical therapy, assistive devices, skills training, and psychosocial support, we can empower PWDs to lead more independent, productive, and fulfilling lives.

Our community is committed to playing an active role in the planning, implementation, and monitoring of the rehabilitation program. We have identified a pool of local volunteers, including healthcare professionals and community leaders, who are willing to contribute their time and expertise to ensure the program’s success.

We kindly request DSWD’s technical and financial assistance in establishing this much-needed program. We are confident that with the department’s support and guidance, we can create a model of inclusive community development that promotes the rights and well-being of PWDs.

We would welcome the opportunity to further discuss this proposal and explore how we can work together to build a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

Thank you for considering our request.

[Your Contact Information]

5. Subject: Letter of Intent to Apply for DSWD’s Social Pension Program for Indigent Senior Citizens

Dear DSWD Officer,

I am writing to express my intent to apply for DSWD’s Social Pension Program for Indigent Senior Citizens. As a 68-year-old widow with no regular source of income, I believe that I meet the eligibility criteria for this vital program.

I have spent my life as a homemaker, caring for my family and contributing to my community in whatever way I could. However, since the passing of my husband five years ago, I have struggled to make ends meet and provide for my basic needs. With no pension or savings to rely on, I often find myself forced to choose between paying for food, medication, or utilities.

The Social Pension Program’s monthly stipend would provide a much-needed lifeline for me, allowing me to live with greater dignity and security in my old age. I am committed to using the funds judiciously, prioritizing my health and well-being while continuing to contribute to my community through volunteer work and sharing my knowledge and skills with younger generations.

I would be immensely grateful for the opportunity to benefit from this program and join the ranks of senior citizens who have found support and solidarity through DSWD’s initiatives. Please let me know if there is any additional information or documentation I can provide to support my application.

Thank you for considering my request.

[Your Contact Information]

6. Subject: Letter of Intent to Collaborate with DSWD on a Research Study on the Impact of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs

Dear DSWD Undersecretary for Policy and Plans,

I am writing to express my interest in collaborating with DSWD on a research study examining the impact of conditional cash transfer programs, particularly the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), on poverty reduction and human capital development in the Philippines.

As a researcher with a Ph.D. in Social Welfare and Development, I have extensive experience in designing and conducting studies that evaluate the effectiveness of social protection programs in developing countries. My previous work has focused on the linkages between cash transfers, education, health, and labor market outcomes, and has been published in leading academic journals and policy reports.

I believe that a rigorous and comprehensive study of the 4Ps program could provide valuable insights into its strengths, limitations, and potential for scale-up and replication. By employing a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys with qualitative interviews and focus group discussions, we can gain a deeper understanding of how the program affects the lives of beneficiaries and their communities.

The findings of this study could inform the design and implementation of future social protection programs in the Philippines and beyond, contributing to evidence-based policymaking and the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

I am committed to working closely with DSWD throughout the research process, from conceptualization and data collection to analysis and dissemination. I believe that this collaboration could foster knowledge exchange, capacity building, and policy dialogue between the academic community and government agencies.

I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss this proposal and explore how we can work together to generate rigorous evidence on the impact of conditional cash transfer programs and advance the agenda of poverty reduction and social inclusion.

Thank you for considering my request.

[Your Contact Information]

7. Subject: Letter of Intent to Seek DSWD’s Support for a Women’s Empowerment Initiative

Dear DSWD Regional Director,

I am writing on behalf of [Your Organization], a community-based organization dedicated to promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in [Your Region]. We are seeking DSWD’s support for a new initiative aimed at providing livelihood training and support services to women from marginalized communities.

Despite progress in recent years, women in our region continue to face significant barriers to economic participation and decision-making. Many are confined to low-paying, informal sector jobs, with limited access to skills training, credit, and social protection. This vulnerability has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disproportionately affected women’s employment and increased their burden of unpaid care work.

Our proposed initiative seeks to address these challenges by providing a comprehensive package of services to women, including:

  1. Vocational training in high-demand sectors such as [Sector 1], [Sector 2], and [Sector 3]
  2. Financial literacy and entrepreneurship workshops
  3. Access to microfinance and business development services
  4. Mentoring and peer support networks
  5. Referrals to social services and legal aid

By equipping women with the skills, resources, and support they need to succeed in the labor market and start their own businesses, we believe that this initiative can contribute to the economic empowerment of women and the resilience of their families and communities.

We are seeking DSWD’s endorsement and technical assistance in implementing this initiative. We believe that the department’s expertise in gender-responsive programming, community mobilization, and social service delivery would be invaluable in ensuring the success and sustainability of this project.

We are committed to working closely with DSWD to align our efforts with national and regional priorities, and to build partnerships with local government units, civil society organizations, and private sector actors.

We would welcome the opportunity to further discuss this proposal and explore how we can work together to advance the rights and well-being of women in our region.

Thank you for considering our request.

[Your Contact Information]

8. Subject: Letter of Intent to Apply for DSWD’s Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations (AICS) Program

Dear DSWD Officer,

I am writing to express my intent to apply for DSWD’s Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations (AICS) Program. As a single father of two children who recently lost my job due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, I am facing a severe financial crisis that threatens the well-being of my family.

For the past [Number] years, I have worked as a [Job Title] at [Company Name], providing a stable income to support my children’s needs. However, due to the pandemic-induced recession, I was laid off two months ago and have since struggled to find new employment. Despite my best efforts to secure temporary work and access government assistance, I am now facing the prospect of being unable to pay for our basic needs, including rent, food, and healthcare.

The AICS program’s one-time financial assistance would provide a critical lifeline for my family during this challenging time. It would allow me to cover our most pressing expenses while I continue to search for new employment opportunities and explore training and education programs to enhance my skills and employability.

I am committed to using the assistance judiciously and taking proactive steps to improve my family’s situation. I am actively seeking work, have enrolled in online courses to upgrade my qualifications, and am working with a local job placement agency to identify potential employment leads.

I would be immensely grateful for the opportunity to benefit from the AICS program and receive the support I need to weather this crisis and provide for my children. Please let me know if there is any additional information or documentation I can provide to support my application.

Thank you for considering my request.

[Your Contact Information]

9. Subject: Letter of Intent to Partner with DSWD for a Youth Leadership and Empowerment Program

Dear DSWD Partnership Officer,

I am writing on behalf of [Your Organization], a youth-led non-profit committed to empowering young people to become agents of change in their communities. We are seeking to partner with DSWD to implement a youth leadership and empowerment program that will equip young people with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities they need to drive positive social change.

Our organization has a proven track record of successfully running youth development programs, including leadership training, service-learning projects, and advocacy campaigns. We have witnessed firsthand the incredible potential of young people to innovate, inspire, and mobilize their peers and communities around pressing social issues.

In partnership with DSWD, we propose to launch a comprehensive youth leadership and empowerment program that will engage [Number] young people aged [Age Range] from marginalized communities across [Geographic Area]. The program will consist of the following components:

  1. Leadership training workshops focused on personal development, team-building, and project management skills
  2. Mentorship and coaching sessions with experienced youth leaders and community advocates
  3. Service-learning projects designed and implemented by youth participants to address local challenges
  4. Advocacy training and support for youth-led campaigns on issues such as education, health, and the environment
  5. Access to funding, networks, and platforms to scale up successful youth initiatives

By investing in the leadership potential of young people and providing them with the tools and opportunities to drive change, we believe that this program can contribute to the development of a new generation of socially conscious and active citizens.

We are committed to working closely with DSWD to align the program with national youth development priorities and ensure its sustainability and impact. We believe that by leveraging the department’s expertise, networks, and resources, we can create a powerful partnership that will unlock the potential of young people to build a more just, inclusive, and sustainable society.

We would welcome the opportunity to further discuss this proposal and explore how we can work together to empower young people and transform communities.

Thank you for considering our partnership request.

[Your Contact Information]

10. Subject: Letter of Intent to Seek DSWD’s Assistance for a Community-Based Mental Health Program

Dear DSWD Regional Director,

I am writing on behalf of [Your Community] to seek DSWD’s assistance in establishing a community-based mental health program. Our community has long grappled with the challenges of limited access to mental health services, the stigma surrounding mental illness, and the psychosocial impact of poverty, violence, and natural disasters.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated these challenges, with many community members experiencing heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and depression due to job losses, isolation, and the loss of loved ones. The absence of accessible and culturally sensitive mental health support has left many individuals and families struggling to cope with these difficulties on their own.

We believe that a community-based mental health program, implemented in partnership with DSWD, could significantly improve the well-being and resilience of our community. By providing a range of services, including psychosocial support, counseling, and referrals to specialized care, we can help individuals and families to better manage stress, build coping skills, and access the resources they need to thrive.

Our community is committed to playing an active role in the planning, implementation, and monitoring of the mental health program. We have identified a network of local leaders, health workers, and volunteers who are willing to contribute their time and expertise to ensure the program’s success and cultural relevance.

We kindly request DSWD’s technical and financial assistance in establishing this much-needed program. We believe that with the department’s support and guidance, we can create a model of community-based mental health care that promotes the well-being, dignity, and resilience of all community members.

We would welcome the opportunity to further discuss this proposal and explore how we can work together to build a more supportive and inclusive community for all.

Thank you for considering our request.

[Your Contact Information]

11. Subject: Letter of Intent to Apply for DSWD’s Sustainable Livelihood Program

Dear DSWD Officer,

I am writing to express my intent to apply for DSWD’s Sustainable Livelihood Program. As a single mother of three children who has been struggling to make ends meet through irregular work as a street vendor, I am seeking support to establish a more stable and sustainable source of income for my family.

For the past [Number] years, I have been selling [Product] on the streets of [Location], often working long hours in difficult conditions to earn enough to cover our basic needs. Despite my best efforts, I have found it challenging to save money, access credit, or invest in growing my business due to the precarious nature of my work and the lack of formal support systems.

The Sustainable Livelihood Program’s combination of skills training, seed capital, and ongoing mentorship would provide me with the tools and resources I need to transform my livelihood and improve my family’s well-being. I am particularly interested in receiving training in [Skill], which would allow me to diversify my products and tap into new markets.

If accepted into the program, I am committed to fully participating in all training and mentorship activities, using the seed capital responsibly to invest in my business, and sharing my knowledge and experience with other aspiring entrepreneurs in my community.

I would be immensely grateful for the opportunity to benefit from the Sustainable Livelihood Program and work hand in hand with DSWD to build a more stable and prosperous future for my family and community.

Thank you for considering my application.

[Your Contact Information]

12. Subject: Letter of Intent to Partner with DSWD for a Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Program

Dear DSWD Partnership Officer,

I am writing on behalf of [Your Organization], a local civil society organization committed to building resilience and reducing vulnerability to disasters in our community. We are seeking to partner with DSWD to implement a community-based disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) program that will enhance our community’s capacity to prevent, prepare for, and respond to natural hazards.

Our community is located in a highly disaster-prone area, regularly exposed to typhoons, floods, and landslides. In recent years, we have witnessed the devastating impact of these disasters on lives, livelihoods, and infrastructure, particularly among the most vulnerable and marginalized groups.

While our community has taken steps to establish early warning systems and evacuation protocols, we recognize the need for a more comprehensive and proactive approach to DRRM that engages all stakeholders and addresses the underlying drivers of vulnerability.

In partnership with DSWD, we propose to launch a community-based DRRM program that will include the following components:

  1. Participatory risk assessment and mapping exercises to identify local hazards, vulnerabilities, and capacities
  2. Training and capacity-building workshops on DRRM concepts, tools, and practices for community members and local leaders
  3. Establishment of community-based DRRM committees and volunteer teams to lead risk reduction and emergency response efforts
  4. Implementation of small-scale mitigation and preparedness projects, such as the construction of flood barriers and the stockpiling of emergency supplies
  5. Integration of DRRM into local development planning and budgeting processes to ensure sustainability and institutional support

By empowering our community to take a proactive and inclusive approach to DRRM, we believe that this program can contribute to the reduction of disaster risks, the protection of lives and livelihoods, and the building of long-term resilience.

We are committed to working closely with DSWD to align the program with national and local DRRM policies and plans and to leverage the department’s technical expertise and resources to ensure its success and scalability.

We would welcome the opportunity to further discuss this proposal and explore how we can work together to build a safer, more resilient future for our community.

Thank you for considering our partnership request.

[Your Contact Information]

13. Subject: Letter of Intent to Seek DSWD’s Support for a Program to Address Child Labor

Dear DSWD Regional Director,

I am writing on behalf of [Your Organization], a child rights advocacy group, to seek DSWD’s support for a program aimed at addressing the problem of child labor in [Your Region]. Despite national laws and international conventions prohibiting child labor, the practice remains prevalent in our region, particularly in the agricultural and informal sectors.

Children engaged in labor often face significant risks to their health, safety, and development, and are deprived of their right to education, play, and a childhood free from exploitation. The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the vulnerability of children, with many families resorting to child labor as a coping mechanism in the face of job losses and reduced incomes.

We believe that a comprehensive, multi-stakeholder program is needed to effectively address the root causes of child labor and provide viable alternatives for children and their families. Our proposed program will include the following components:

  1. Awareness-raising campaigns on the risks and consequences of child labor, targeting parents, employers, and communities
  2. Identification and referral mechanisms to locate children engaged in or at risk of child labor and connect them with appropriate services
  3. Educational support, including scholarships, tutoring, and vocational training, to help children transition back to school or acquire skills for future employment
  4. Livelihood assistance and social protection for families, to address the economic drivers of child labor and promote sustainable alternatives
  5. Capacity-building for local government and civil society partners to strengthen enforcement of child labor laws and policies

We are seeking DSWD’s endorsement and technical assistance in implementing this program. We believe that the department’s expertise in child protection, social welfare, and community development would be invaluable in ensuring the program’s effectiveness and alignment with national policies and priorities.

We are committed to working closely with DSWD and other stakeholders to design and implement a program that is responsive to the needs and rights of children, families, and communities in our region.

We would welcome the opportunity to further discuss this proposal and explore how we can work together to build a society where all children are protected from exploitation and have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Thank you for considering our request.

[Your Contact Information]

14. Subject: Letter of Intent to Apply for DSWD’s Supplementary Feeding Program for Daycare Children

Dear DSWD Officer,

I am writing on behalf of [Daycare Center Name], a community-based daycare center serving [Number] children aged [Age Range] in [Location]. We are seeking to apply for DSWD’s Supplementary Feeding Program to address the high prevalence of malnutrition and stunting among our enrollees.

Many of the children in our care come from low-income families who struggle to provide adequate and nutritious food on a daily basis. As a result, we have observed alarming rates of underweight, stunting, and micronutrient deficiencies among our enrollees, which can have long-term impacts on their physical and cognitive development.

The Supplementary Feeding Program’s provision of hot meals and micronutrient supplements would be a critical intervention to improve the nutritional status and overall well-being of our daycare children. By ensuring that they receive at least one nutritious meal per day, we can support their growth, enhance their learning capacity, and reduce their risk of illness and infections.

If accepted into the program, we are committed to working closely with DSWD and local health authorities to ensure the proper implementation and monitoring of the feeding program. We will follow all guidelines and standards for food preparation, storage, and distribution, and maintain accurate records of beneficiaries and food consumption.

We will also actively engage with parents and caregivers to provide nutrition education and promote healthy feeding practices at home, to sustain the gains made through the program.

Our daycare center has a strong track record of providing quality early childhood care and development services to our community, and we believe that the Supplementary Feeding Program would be a valuable addition to our holistic approach to child well-being.

We would be immensely grateful for the opportunity to partner with DSWD in addressing the urgent issue of child malnutrition in our community.

Thank you for considering our application.

[Daycare Center Name]

[Your Contact Information]

15. Subject: Letter of Intent to Collaborate with DSWD on a Research Study on the Effectiveness of Community-Driven Development Programs

Dear DSWD Undersecretary for Policy and Plans,

I am writing to express my interest in collaborating with DSWD on a research study examining the effectiveness of community-driven development (CDD) programs in the Philippines, particularly the Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan-Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services (Kalahi-CIDSS) program.

As a researcher with a Ph.D. in Community Development and extensive experience in participatory research methods, I have a strong interest in understanding how CDD approaches can empower communities to identify and address their own development needs, and how these approaches can be optimized to achieve sustainable and equitable outcomes.

I believe that a rigorous and participatory study of the Kalahi-CIDSS program could generate valuable insights into the mechanisms, challenges, and success factors of CDD in the Philippine context. By employing a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys with qualitative case studies and participatory action research, we can capture the diverse perspectives and experiences of community members, local government partners, and program implementers.

The findings of this study could inform the design, implementation, and scaling up of future CDD programs in the Philippines and beyond, contributing to evidence-based policymaking and the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

I am committed to working closely with DSWD throughout the research process, from conceptualization and data collection to analysis and dissemination. I am particularly eager to explore opportunities for capacity-building and knowledge-sharing with DSWD staff and local partners, to ensure that the research process is inclusive, participatory, and responsive to the needs and priorities of communities.

I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss this proposal and explore how we can work together to generate actionable evidence on the effectiveness of CDD approaches and strengthen the impact of DSWD’s community-based programs.

Thank you for considering my request.

[Your Contact Information]


These 15 sample letters of intent demonstrate the wide range of ways in which individuals, organizations, and communities can engage with DSWD to access critical services, contribute to program implementation, and collaborate on research and policy development.

Whether you are seeking assistance as an individual in need, proposing a partnership to address a specific social issue, or offering your expertise to strengthen the evidence base for social welfare and development programs, a well-crafted letter of intent is an essential first step in establishing a productive and impactful relationship with DSWD.

When writing your letter of intent to DSWD, be sure to:

  1. Clearly state the purpose of your letter and the specific program, service, or opportunity you are interested in
  2. Provide relevant background information on yourself, your organization, or your community, highlighting your qualifications, experiences, and alignment with DSWD’s mission and values
  3. Present a compelling case for why your request or proposal is important and how it can contribute to the achievement of DSWD’s goals and the well-being of the Filipino people
  4. Be specific and concrete in your ask, outlining the desired outcomes, activities, and resources needed to achieve your objectives
  5. Express your commitment to working collaboratively with DSWD and other stakeholders, and your willingness to provide additional information or engage in further discussions

By following these guidelines and adapting the sample letters to your specific context and needs, you can effectively communicate your intent to DSWD and increase your chances of securing the support, partnerships, and opportunities you need to make a positive difference in the lives of the people and communities you serve.

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