APA 7th Edition Referencing Guide1


Referencing NZ legislation (Acts of Parliament)

In-text citations

Sections that are lettered as well as numbered

Referencing New Zealand legislation (acts of parliament/statutes)

Acts are included in the reference list in the correct alphabetical sequence. The full title of the Act is required, including the date. There is no comma as the date is part of the title.

When using part of an Act that appears in a legal book about an Act, you need to reference the book. For example:

Reference list entry

Companies Act 1993. (2013). New Zealand companies and securities legislation for students (2013 ed.). CCH New Zealand.

In-text citations
Use the name of the Act. For Acts with long titles, use the full title the first time you cite it and a shortened form thereafter.

In-text citation
It is clear from the legislation that this should be carefully planned (Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992). If employers neglect to take this into account they could face legal action (Health and Safety Act 1992), with all the costs involved.

When citing a specific section of an Act, include the section number in your in-text citations. For example:

In-text citations

The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 makes it clear that all employees must have training on the Act and understand their responsibility to improve safety in the workplace (s. 61).

Employers have a duty to provide a safe working environment for all employees (Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, s. 6).

Indicate multiple sections used as follows:

In-text citation
Employers have a duty to provide a safe working environment for all employees (Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, ss. 6-12).

Sections that are lettered as well as numbered

For sections that are lettered and not numbered, give the section letters and numbers and if you need to be specific about the sub-section, place the numbers of the relevant sub-sections at the end of the citation:

In-text citation
Disposal of residential land is considered income if purchased with in the last five years (Income Tax Act 2007, s. CB 6A (1)(a) ).

Reference list entry